domingo, 7 de agosto de 2011

Assignment #1 (for Ronald's class of August 9)

A common task for an English speaker is to fill out a form. For the next class:

- Think about how you would fill out this form.

- Think of questions you can ask in order to fill out this form for a classmate.

For example:

Place of birth (city) __________________________________

Where were you born? or Where are you from?

Favorite kind(s) of music ______________________________

What's your favorite kind of music? or What kinds of music do you like?

You do not have to write anything.

Please complete this form. (Items marked with asterisk (*) are optional.)

1. First name __________________________________________

2. Last name __________________________________________

3. Place of birth (City) ____________________________________

4. Date of birth* ________________________________________

5. Place of residence (City) ________________________________

6. Marital status* _______________________________________

7. High school _________________________________________

8. Hobbies* ___________________________________________

9. Favorite kind(s) of music* _______________________________

10. Favorite artist(s)* ____________________________________

11. Favorite movie(s)*____________________________________

12. Favorite TV show(s)*__________________________________

13. Favorite book(s) _____________________________________

14. Have you taken any special English courses (aside from High School)?

No ____ Yes ____

(If "yes) Where? _______________________________________

15. Have you visited or lived in any English-speaking countries?

No ____ Yes ____

(If "yes) City and country _________________________________

How long did you visit/live there? ____________________________

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