Indicate the word class that each underlined word represents (noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, preposition, conjunction, interjection.)
1. Have you ever seen a baseball game?
2. Remain here until I arrive.
3. Throw the baseball to me.
4. Trains must round curves very slowly.
5. The leaders held a round of negotiations.
6. The movie’s ending was sad.
7. A large round object was seen in the sky.
8. I think that the movie is ending.
9. I water in the well is contaminated.
10. Did you look well?
11. Well, I think there must be an error.
12. The airplane was flying very high.
13. Heroin produces a high.
14. The king built a high tower.
15. Who is knocking at the door?
16. Running is good exercise.
17. The meeting will last one hour.
18. This is the last page.
19. Muslims fast during Ramadam.
20. I don’t feel well.
21. Why are you running?
22. A high wall extended round the city.
23. Will you help me?
24. The woman did not leave a will.
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